…from Research-Based earning to Research-Based Seeing via Video.
Talk at ECREA conference at February 9th 2022
Abstract: The joint research project SCoRe* is about enabling and supporting research-based learning in online communities by the example of sustainability. Within our part of the joined project, we are engaged in conception of application scenarios, the technical infrastructure requirements, as well as the evaluation of the use of video. Beside the audiovisual communication solutions, which are developed and provided on an online-learning platform, we are interested in particular in the use of 360°-video, along with the questions where and how that video technology can enhance the research-based learning. Especially in comparison to a fix-frame video format, 360°-video technology offers new didactical options, aspects of awareness and knowledge gaining functions.
All in all, we define the use of video technology not just as an additional, „nice to have“ element, but as a new quality option in the advancement of students’ research. This option features both improvement of documentation and communication of the research process, and a new construe of seeing (Huber & Reinmann, 2019, p. 36). Based on that, the term of research-based learning is extended by the concept of the „research-based seeing“ (Reinmann et al., 2020). In this context, the use of video technology plays a central role in fulfilment of various functions within phases of a research process (Hebbel-Seeger & Vohle, i.p.). Students may use videos as a source of information about the content, process, or structure of research. Videos can also be as a cause or a subject of communication in terms of “social video learning” for a learning-relevant exchange, which unfolds via textual annotations (commenting and re-commenting) attached to the video (Vohle, 2016). Students also produce videos, which serve as research artifacts and data for scientific analysis.
In this process, videos seem to allow the assumedly objective visualization of what really occurred. Although factually a variety of decisions during the production process influence the documentary function of an audio-visual artifact. In order to be able to use videos as research artifacts, a methodical control of the video formation is required, which should be performed as a detailed documentation of the production process. This is where the interdependence between the video production and the research-based seeing develops. Eventually, video is an established dissemination tool and can be used accordingly for the communication of the (interim) results and findings of the research work.
In this contribution we’ll give a brief overview about the SCoRe project and focus on our findings regarding to the use of 360°-video within the framework of research-based-viewing.
Hebbel-Seeger, A. & Vohle, F. (i.p.). 360°-Video mit Social Video Learning – Forschungsperspektiven sichten und aushandeln. In J. Windscheid & B. Gold (Hrsg.), 360°-Videos in der Hochschullehre. Ein interdisziplinärer Überblick. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer.
Huber, L. & Reinmann, G. (2019). Vom forschungsnahen zum forschenden Lernen an Hochschulen. Wege der Bildung durch Wissenschaft. Springer VS.
Reinmann, G., Vohle, F., Brase, A.K., Groß, N. & Jänsch, V. (2020). „Forschendes Sehen“ – Ein Konzept und seine Möglichkeiten. Impact Free Journal für freie Bildungswissenschaftler (26), 1–6.
Vohle, F. (2016). Social Video Learning. Eine didaktische Zäsur. In A.-W. Scheer & C. Wachter (Hrsg.), Digitale Bildungslandschaften (S. 175-185). Saarbrücken: IMC.
* Studend Crowd Research is a joint research project of University of Bremen, University of Hamburg, Christian-Albrechts-Universität at Kiel, Macromedia University of Applied Sciences and Ghostthinker Inc., funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany (grant reference 16DHB2120). https://scoreforschung.com/